Author Archives: admin

Tips to Improve Your Website – Tip #4

Tips to improve your website

This is the fourth part of our “Tips to Improve Your Website” series and today we are talking about how to make it easier for your visitors to convert, and how to remove barriers and road blocks that you many not even be aware are blocking their journey to conversion. If you are interested in…

Tips to Improve Your Website – Tip #1

Improve your website - top tips #1

First impressions are important, especially with your website. Your website is the hub of your business, the place all your customers visit to see your latest news, and the place where potential customers come to find your product or service. Initially, a new customer visiting your site will first see the home page before the…

One Minute Marketing – Outsourced Digital Marketing

One Minute Marketing - Outsourced Digital Marketing

Welcome to the latest in our series of One Minute Marketing videos, designed to give you a quick look at digital strategies, online marketing activities and everything in between. The thinking behind this video series is to provide informative but short presentations to give a little more detail about the services we provide either directly…

Increase Your Business Visibility With Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile - digital marketing Peterborough

In this blog post, we’ll explore why having a robust Google Business Profile is essential for your business and how it can boost your business listing to the top of local searches. What is Google Business Profile? Google Business Profile is a free and user-friendly tool to help you manage your business’s online presence. It…

One Minute Marketing – Digital Marketing Reporting & KPI’s

One Minute Marketing - Digital Marketing Reporting and KPIs

Welcome to the latest in our series of One Minute Marketing videos, designed to give you a quick look at digital strategies, online marketing activities and everything in between. The thinking behind this video series is to provide informative but short presentations to give a little more detail about the services we provide either directly…

One Minute Marketing – Keywords, Topics & Entities – SEO

One Minute Marketing - SEO Strategies - Digital Marketing Agency Peterborough

Welcome to the second in our series of One Minute Marketing videos, designed to give you a quick look at digital strategies, online marketing activities and everything in between. The thinking behind this video series is to provide informative but short presentations to give a little more detail about the services we provide either directly…

The Holistic Approach to SEO: The Power of Keywords and Why They Still Matter

The power of keywords - w2m - digital marketing agency Peterborough

In digital marketing and SEO, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest trends and buzzwords. Some may claim keyword research is over, while others claim that topics and entities are the new SEO frontier. But don’t be too quick to dismiss the importance of good old keyword research. In this blog post, we’ll…