Improve Your Local Visibility with Google Local Services Ads

Google Local Service Ads

In increasingly competitive markets, every business needs to find new and innovative ways to reach their local customers who are searching for them. It is at this point that Google Local Services Ads enter the scene. Built especially for visibility to pop up in search results at the local level, LSAs are powerful tools for businesses to capture high-quality leads. Here at web2market, we provide an end-to-end managed service to make LSAs work for your business.

What are Google Local Services Ads?

By design, Google Local Services Ads are for local businesses, offering a model of pay-per-lead. Unlike traditional Google Ads wherein you pay for clicks, LSAs charge only when a potential customer contacts you. In essence, the approach used in LSAs enables these to be one of the most effective and cost-efficient means to drive customer interest and generate high-intent leads.

The Key Features of LSAs

High Visibility: LSA listings show above all other Google search results, even on top of traditional Google Ads and organic results. Being at the top means giving your business maximum visibility to stand out.

Google Guarantee: A Google Guarantee badge is applied once a business has undergone the verification process through Google, which involves further background checks and verification of insurance. This gives the customer confidence in knowing your business has been vetted and provides instant trust.

Lead Generation: Potential clients can get in touch with you directly from the ad with a call or message, without needing to visit or browse your website, making it very easy for the customer and increasing conversions.

Lead Management: Google has included a dashboard for lead management to allow the response times to be as minimal as possible for the best customer service.

Here’s how we can help:

Setting up LSAs can be a little more complicated, and that is where our expertise comes in.

Verification Support: We take you through the verification process and help you ensure that your business meets the requirements set by Google for the Google Guarantee.

Ad Setup and Optimisation: From our specialists, you will get through the entire setup and ongoing optimisation to ensure that your LSAs perform at their very best and reach the right customer.

Ongoing Monitoring and Performance Improvement: Our team will be keeping a close tab on your ads, applying changes whenever need be to maximise ROI.

If you’d like to discuss how Google LSA can help your business, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or call us on  01480 878510.